Rakıcıoğlu-Söylemez, A. Ş. & Akayoğlu, S. (2019). An exploratory case study on the professional collective agency in an EFL teacher education program. Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Research in Applied Linguistics - ICRAL 2019, Konya Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey.
Uzum, B., Yazan, B., Avineri, N., & Akayoğlu, S. (2019, March). “A Very Difficult Topic to Talk About”: Discursive Constructions of Cultural Practices in a USA-Turkey Telecollaboration. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Atlanta, GA.
Akayoğlu, S., Uzum, & Yazan, B. (2019, March). “My biases about the other turned out groundless:” Preservice teachers’ cultural identity construction in telecollaboration. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Atlanta, GA.
Akayoğlu, S., Yazan, B., & Uzum, B. (2018, May). Preparing teachers for multicultural education: A virtual intercultural exchange study. Paper presented at the 13th METU International ELT Convention, Ankara, Turkey.
Üzüm B., Akayoğlu, S. & Yazan, B. (2017). We are not actually that different”: Promoting Teacher Intercultural Competence through Virtual Intercultural Exchanges.. Addressing inequalities, mobility and dislocation: Insights from international and domestic research and practice. Michigan State University, USA.
Akayoğlu, S. & Seferoğlu, G. (2017). The Perceptions of Pre-service Teachers of English on Flipped Classroom Model. CALL in Context: 18th International CALL Research Conference. University of Berkeley, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Akayoğlu, S. (2017). The 21st Century Skills in Language Classrooms. B.E.U. School of Foreign Languages International Conference: Fostering 21st Century Skills in Language Studies
Akayoğlu, S. (2017). Teaching CALL to pre-service teachers of English in a Flipped Classroom. 18th INGED International ELT Conference, Aydın University, Istanbul.
Akayoğlu, S. & Rakıcıoğlu-Söylemez, A. (2016). Prospective EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of Using CALL in the Classroom. 5th International Conference on Language, Literature and Culture, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S., Rakıcıoğlu-Söylemez, A., Olcu-Dincer, Z., Gulden, T., Balikci, G. (2015). A phenomenological study of an online peer mentoring experience on lesson planning Prospective EFL teachers reflections during practice teaching. Association for Teacher Education in Europe 40th Annual Conference 2015: Glasgow
Akayoğlu, S. (2015). Online Communities of Practice for Professional Development. 12th METU ELT Convention. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2014). CALL Training for Pre-service Teachers of English. 3rd National Conference on Foreign Language Education. Boğaziçi University, İstanbul, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2014). Yabancı Dil Eğitiminde Teknolojinin Sunduğu Araçlar Ya Olmasaydı? 1st Eğitim Teknolojileri Zirvesi, Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul, Turkey.
Çimendağ, B. & Akayoğlu, S. (2013). The Use of Google Hangout for Fostering Speaking Skills in Language Classes. 9th International METU Postgraduate Conference on Linguistics and Language Teaching. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2013). “Online Professional Development for English Language Teachers”. 1st Internation Week on English Studies. Karabük University, Karabük, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2012). “Twenty-first Century World Englishes: Based on Individuals, not the Countries.” 5th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca. Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Demirel, H., Akayoğlu, S. (2012). “Professional development of language teachers through personal learning network and online communities of practice.” IATEFL Learning & Teacher Development SIG Joint Conference. Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Gökce, Z., Akayoğlu, S. (2011). “The use of virtual English classes in Second Life”. INGED 15th International ELT Conference: Taking it to the Limits. Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2011). “Learning and Practicing a Foreign Language in Virtual Classrooms in Second Life”. Sharing Issues in ELT Conference, Eskişehir, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S., Kılıçkaya, F. (2011). “Collaborative Learning Activities through Google Documents”. 2nd İstek Schools International ELT Conference: Reflections and Innovations in ELT”, İstanbul, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2010). “The Functions of Negotiation of Meaning in a Course Carried out in Second Life”. SLanguages 2010 Conference in Second Life.
Akayoğlu, S. (2010). “The Use of Second Life in Writing Classes”. 1st Istek Schools International ELT Conference: ELT in a Globalized World: Exploring New Opportunities and Meeting the Challenges of Today. Yeditepe University, İstanbul, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2009) "Web 2.0 Araçlarının Türkçe Yazma Eğitiminde Kullanımı." (The use of Web 2.0 tools in teaching writing in Turkish). Türkçe Eğitimi Kurultayı; Ürgüp, Nevşehir, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2009). “What are the things waiting for us in our Second Life”. 7th METU Post Graduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2007). "Curriculum Development for Online Teacher Training". 17th IATEFL Hungary. Budapest, Hungary.
Altun, A., Akayoğlu, S. (2007). "Collaborative Writing through PBwiki". WIAOC 2007 CONNECT: Conversations on Networking, Education, Communities, and Technology.
Akayoğlu, S. (2015). “Becoming a Member of an Online Community of Practice for Professional Development.” Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University, Ağrı, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2015). “The Use of Web 2.0 Tools for Interaction & Communication in English Language Classes.” Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University, Ağrı, Turkey
Akayoğlu, S. (2014). “The Use of Technology in Language Classes.” Seminar for Undergraduate Students at Fatih University, İstanbul, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2014). “The Use of Web 2.0 Tools and Social Media in English Language Teaching.” Seminar at Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2014). “The Use of Technology in Language Classes.” Seminar for Undergraduate Students at Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2013). “CALL for Lifelong Learning”. 9th Postgraduate Conference on Linguistics and Language Teaching at Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2013). “How to integrate technology into curriculum of School of Foreign Languages at Muğla University”. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Muğla, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2011). “Writing Activities for ELT Classes in Second Life”. Eastern Anatolia Conference of EFL at Erzincan, Erzincan, Turkey.
Altun, A., Akayoğlu, S. (2011). “How Online Communities of Practice Work for Professional Development in Teaching”. Eastern Anatolia Conference of EFL at Erzincan, Erzincan, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2010). “The Social Presence Functions in a Course Carried out in Second Life”. Multiliteracies Electronic Village Online.
Akayoğlu, S. (2010). “Information and communication technologies in English classes”. Beykent Schools International ELT Conference, Beykent Schools, İstanbul, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2008). “Technology C.A.L.L.s You” A Seminar for English Teachers by Nüans Publishing, Bursa, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2007). "Collaborative Writing through PBwiki". 5th ELT Conference "Technology CALL's You". Ankara University Development Foundations Schools, Ankara, Turkey.
Altun, A., Akayoğlu, S. & Erice, D. (2007). "İngilizce Öğretiminde Kullanılan Bilgisayar Destekli İletişim Araçları". (Computer assisted language learning tools in English language teaching). Sıtkı Koçman Foreign Language Institute, Muğla University, Muğla, Turkey.
Altun, A. & Akayoğlu, S (2006). "İngilizce Öğretiminde Kullanılan İnternet Araçları" (The Internet tools used in English language teaching). Sıtkı Koçman Foreign Language Institute, Muğla University, Muğla.
Akayoğlu, S. (2006). "Tapped In as a Meeting Place for Teachers and Researchers". Seminar. Department of Foreign Language Education, Faculty of Education, Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2006). "Blogging in ELT". Seminar. Department of Foreign Language Education, Faculty of Education, Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey.
Akayoğlu, S. (2006). "Creating and Integrating Yahoogroups as a Communication and Sharing Tool in Language Classrooms". Seminar. Department of Foreign Language Education, Faculty of Education, Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey.